android web_Android Web消息:它是什么以及如何使用
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android web

Android users have long been able to send texts from their computers like Pushbullet or MightyText. But Google is taking this function native with a new feature called Messages for Web. Here’s what it’s all about.

长期以来,Android用户一直能够如Pushbullet或MightyText)从其计算机发送文本。 但是Google通过一项称为Messages for Web的新功能将此功能作为本机使用。 这就是全部内容。

什么是网络消息? (What is Messages for Web?)

Messages for Web is Google’s fully integrated way to send text messages directly from your computer. It requires the company’s , so if you’re using something else for text messages, this feature won’t work. That’s the first (and only?) real caveat here.

网络消息是Google的完全集成的方法,可以直接从您的计算机发送文本消息。 它需要公司的 ,因此,如果您将其他内容用于短信,则此功能将无法使用。 那是第一个(也是唯一一个)真正的警告。

While the idea here is nothing new, the fact that it’s a core part of Messages is a pretty big deal, because it doesn’t require any workarounds or messages being sent through third-party servers. It establishes a secured connection between your phone and your computer.

尽管这里的想法并不是什么新鲜事物,但是它是Messages的核心部分这一事实确实意义重大,因为它不需要任何变通办法或通过第三方服务器发送的消息。 它会在您的手机和计算机之间建立安全连接。

Note: Messages for Web is still rolling out and isn’t yet available to everyone.


与Google的其他聊天应用有何不同? (How is This Different Than Google’s Other Chat Apps?)

Here’s your obligatory shot at Google for having more chat apps that anyone cares to count. There’s Hangouts and Duo and Allo and blah, blah, blah—but Messages for Web is different.

这是您在Google上必须拍摄的照片,因为它拥有更多的聊天应用程序,任何人都想数。 有环聊,Duo和Allo,等等,等等,但是Web消息是不同的。

It has a clear direction: it’s SMS and MMS from your computer. That’s it! Nothing more, nothing less. It doesn’t offer phone calls or video chat options, and there aren’t really many bells and whistles. It’s simple, and that’s good.

它有明确的方向:您计算机上的SMS和MMS。 而已! 仅此而已。 它不提供电话或视频聊天选项,也没有太多的花招。 很简单,那就好。

如何为Web设置消息 (How to Set Up Messages for Web)

Setting up Message for Web is super easy. To get started, jump over to in your web browser—any browser will work for this, even one on another phone or tablet. That’s one super cool thing about Messages for Web.

设置Web消息非常简单。 首先,请在您的网络浏览器中跳至任何浏览器都可以使用,即使是在另一部手机或平板电脑上也可以。 这是关于Messages for Web的一件非常酷的事情。

The site shows you a QR code, which you’ll scan from your phone. Open Messages, tap the three dots in the upper right corner, choose Messages for Web, and then tap the “Scan QR Code” button. Then just aim your camera at the code in your browser.

该网站显示了一个QR码,您可以从手机中扫描它。 打开邮件,点击右上角的三个点,选择“ Web邮件”,然后点击“扫描QR码”按钮。 然后,将相机对准浏览器中的代码即可。

Within seconds, Messages for Web connects to your phone and syncs all your current messages.

在几秒钟内,Messages for Web将连接到您的电话并同步所有当前消息。

Just repeat this process to add multiple computers.


使用网络消息 (Using Messages for Web)

The interface is very similar to what you’re used to seeing on your phone, so the transition is pretty seamless. The main interface is broken down into two main sections: the message list and the conversation area.

该界面与您过去在手机上看到的界面非常相似,因此过渡非常无缝。 主界面分为两个主要部分:消息列表和对话区域。

You can send and receive text messages, but it also support emoji, stickers, and even pictures—all of which can be accessed on the right side of the message box.


But there’s a little more to it than just sending and receiving texts on your computer. Here are some additional features you’ll want to check out.

但是,它不仅有在计算机上发送和接收文本的功能,还有更多功能。 这是您要签出的一些其他功能。

调整Web设置的消息 (Tweaking Messages for Web’s Settings)

You can find the settings menu by clicking the three dot button in the upper right corner of the message list.


The Settings page contains some simple, but useful, tools, like the option to enable notifications and toggle message previews.


You can also enable a dark theme here. And we’re hoping that means the actual Messages app will get a dark mode setting soon, too.

您还可以在此处启用深色主题。 而且我们希望这意味着实际的Messages应用也将很快获得暗模式设置。

The “Remember this Computer” toggle is something you’ll want to enable on your personal machine, that way you don’t have to re-scan the QR every time you want to send a text.


And if you want to know when you’re connected to the phone but it’s using mobile data instead of Wi-Fi, the Data Use Message toggle makes sure you get a proper notification. Finally, there are a couple of accessibility options here: Keyboard Shortcuts and High Contrast Mode.

而且,如果您想知道何时连接到手机,但手机使用的是移动数据而非Wi-Fi,则“数据使用消息”切换按钮可确保您收到正确的通知。 最后,这里有几个辅助功能选项:快捷键和高对比度模式。

个人对话选项 (Options for Individual Conversations)

There are also a few options that you can set for individual conversations. In the upper right corner of the message pane there are two buttons: a bell and the menu button.

您还可以为个别对话设置一些选项。 消息窗格的右上角有两个按钮:铃声和菜单按钮。

Clicking the bell mutes the conversation. You’ll know it’s muted when there’s a strike through the bell. Muting “blocks” notifications from that specific conversation. To unmute it, just click the bell again.

单击铃铛会使对话静音。 当铃响时,您会知道它已静音。 屏蔽来自该特定对话的“阻止”通知。 要取消静音,只需再次单击铃铛即可。

The menu button houses almost all the same options you’ll find in the Messages app on your phone: People & Options, Archive, Delete, Send Feedback, and Help. Those are all pretty self-explanatory, but there’s one option clearly missing here: Search. At the current time, there’s no way to search messages from your computer, which is a bummer. Hopefully it’s coming soon.

菜单按钮几乎包含您在手机的“消息”应用程序中可以找到的所有相同选项:“人员和选项”,“存档”,“删除”,“发送反馈”和“帮助”。 这些都是不言而喻的,但是这里显然缺少一个选项:搜索。 目前,还无法从您的计算机中搜索消息,这简直太可惜了。 希望它会很快到来。

您应该知道的其他事项 (Other Things You Should Know)

There are also a few other things you should know about Messages for Web.

您还应该了解有关Messages for Web的其他一些信息。

您一次只能进行一个活动会话 (You Can Only Have One Active Session at a Time)

If you have multiple computers, it’s worth noting that you can only use one of them with Messages for Web at a time—it gives you a notification if a session is active on another computer.

如果您有多台计算机,则值得注意的是,一次只能将其中一台计算机与Messages for Web一起使用-如果会话在另一台计算机上处​​于活动状态,则会向您发出通知。

Fortunately, you can easily switch back and forth by clicking the “Use Here” button in the notification.


您可以从应用程序远程注销 (You Can Remotely Sign Out from the App)

If you decide at any point you need to kill a remote connection, you can do it from the computer in question, but you don’t have to—you also have the option to kill any (and all) remote connections from the app.


Just open Messages on your phone, tap the menu button, and then choose Messages for Web. This page shows all the computers you’re current signed into. Tap the X to the right of a computer to kill that particular connection, or just tap the “Sign Out All Computers” to sever all remote connections.

只需在手机上打开“消息”,点击菜单按钮,然后选择“ Web消息”即可。 此页面显示您当前登录的所有计算机。 点击计算机右侧的X可以终止该特定连接,或者只需点击“注销所有计算机”以切断所有远程连接。

Messages for Web is something that Android has needed for a long time, and it’s off to a great start. It’s clean and familiar, offers nearly all the features you’d want from a remote texting app, and most importantly: it’s native.

对于网络消息是什么,Android已经需要很长一段时间,这是开了个好头。 它既干净又熟悉,提供了远程文本应用程序几乎所有您想要的功能,最重要的是:它是本机的。


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